Chest - the front part of the body between the forelegs and neck, the breast.
Cheeks - the sides of the face below the eyes.
Forehead - the front part of the head between the eyes and the base of the ears.
Hind (rear) leg - the foot, hock, stifle (knee) and hip joint.
Hindquarters - the rear part or section of the body; includes the loin, hips, hind legs and rump. From the last rib back.
Hip - the joint that attaches the hind legs to the trunk of the body.
Hock - the joint in rabbits that is like the ankle in man. The joint below the stifle.
Knee - the second joint of the hind leg - connects the thigh to the leg. Also known as the stifle.
Loin - that portion of the back on each side of the vertebrae from the last rib posterior to the hip joint.
Neck - connects the head to the body.
Nostrils - the two openings of the nose leading to the internal structures of the head.
Ribs - the curved portions of the sides immediately back and under the shoulders and above the belly.
Rump - the upper, rounded part of the hindquarters.
Shoulders - the upper joint of the foreleg, connecting it to the body.
Source: 4-H Cooperative Curriculum System - BU-6069 What's Hoppening?
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